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Why more borrowers are using a mortgage broker

The recent Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia’s (MFAA) report has revealed mortgage brokers arranged seven out of every ten (69.5%) new residential home loans settled during the first three months of 2022; with brokers accounting for around half (52.1%) of all new loans settled two years ago, this is highest proportion of property buyers.

What you need to know about the new digital Strata Hub

Launched last month, the new digital Strata Hub aims to give homeowners, buyers and the property service industry better accountability and transparency and more engagement for owners, residents and potential buyers of strata schemes in NSW. The new reporting requirements will, for the first time, digitally consolidate data about the state’s 83,000 strata schemes. This.

Shares vs property investment: what you need to consider

People often ask us whether investing in property is a better way to build wealth than investing in shares. Regardless of where people look to build wealth, what investors really need to think about is the risk associated with each investment avenue. We are property specialists, not financial or investment advisors, but we believe in.

What the 2021 census reveals about Australian property ownership

More property owners are relying on lenders, and one in 10 Australians now live in an apartment according to the 2021 Census. Nearly 11 million (10,852,208) private dwellings were counted on Census night in August 2021, an increase of nearly one million (950,712) since 2016. Two thirds of households (66.0 %) own their home outright.

10 property mistakes almost every investor learns the hard way

Investing in property is probably one of the most straightforward ways for wealth creation. Whether you’re new to property, or a seasoned investor, it’s always good to review some basics, and avoid making these 10 mistakes. #1 Rushing into it While property is one of the most straightforward ways to invest, it isn’t something you.