Consultation on two residential tenancy laws – have your say

Consultation on two residential tenancy laws – have your say

To ensure tenants are safe, secure and happy in their homes, legislation is periodically reviewed to see if any reforms need to be made.

Around 33 % of people are renting in NSW; to see if any improvements can be made to two residential tenancy laws, the NSW Government is currently looking for feedback from the real estate industry, tenants, housing groups and other interested and relevant parties.

Consultation on domestic violence rental laws

The NSW Government introduced changes to the NSW Residential Tenancies Act 2010 in 2019 to allow tenants to end their tenancy to escape violence. They can do this without penalty if they or their children are experiencing domestic violence.

The Government would like to know how much people know about the domestic violence rental laws and how they are being used.

Your feedback will ensure the laws are still appropriate, or if they need to be changed to make them work better for those who use or are affected by them.

Tenants, property managers, landlords and people who provide advocacy, support or legal services for victims of domestic violence are all invited to give feedback, either by completing the online survey or sending a written submission.

More information about this consultation, including links to the survey and details on how to send a written submission can be found at this link here.

The consultation closes at 5 pm Friday, 2 December 2022.

(Please note: if this subject or content in this consultation is distressing, please seek further advice and support from this link – Domestic violence in a rental property.

Consultation on keeping pets in rental homes

In NSW, landlords can refuse to allow a tenant to keep a pet without providing a reason – unless it’s an assistance animal.

While there are plenty of arguments for not allowing pets into a property, there are some very compelling reasons why landlords should allow pets. Last year, the blanket bans on animals in strata schemes was lifted. Read our blog about pets in strata schemes and why the new laws can benefit investors.

In other states and territories, rules have recently changed to make it easier for tenants to keep pets in rental homes. The NSW Government would like your feedback on the current rules in NSW and whether they should also be changed.

Tenants, property managers, landlords and anyone interested in this topic are invited to give feedback. This feedback will help the Government understand how changing these rules will affect property owners and their tenants.

You can have your say by answering a quick poll, completing a survey or writing a submission.

More information, including the consultation paper, links to the survey and details of how to send a written submission can be found here.

This consultation is open until 5 pm Friday, 2 December 2022.

If you have any queries or concerns, do get in touch; our team is always keen to share its knowledge and help you get the best out of your property.

We’re always here for an informal chat to answer questions, so give us a ring on 02 4956 9777, send us an email to or pop into our Cardiff office.

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