When it comes to protecting your asset, we strongly recommend you use a specialist landlord insurance provider as many general investment insurance providers offering cover for landlords may not be sufficiently covered by some. But as a landlord, what should you be thinking about when taking out an insurance policy? Here’s a guide of what.
With the warmer months nearly upon us, many of us are probably wanting to lose a few of those lockdown kilos so we’re in shape for summer. As well as giving your body a makeover, now is the time to shape up your finances and get set to achieving your financial goals. Here are a.
If you’ve inherited a property, whether it is an investment or a residential property, quite often there are lots of factors to consider. First things first. Take a step back and breathe. Losing a loved one is emotionally traumatic, and decisions about the property in most cases, do not need to be made immediately, and.
From family and friend armchair investors to online forums, everyone seems to be an expert when it comes to property investment. Like any business, when you’re thinking about investing in property, you should take the advice from qualified and licensed professionals and specialists. And you do need a team of different specialists around you. But.
From smoke alarm requirements and pool safety to discrimination and animals, real estate and property management does come with a few rules and regulations. It is not a legal requirement to use a property manager, and landlords do have the option to self-manage, in fact, according to the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA), property.
No matter how much effort you put in to be a great landlord, at some point, your tenant will contact you with something which isn’t right, or has gone wrong. Tenant disputes and complaints will inevitably arise; from maintenance problems to pest invasions, the majority of issues a tenant contacts you with will be for.
We all want our property to get top dollar, but the value of your property very much depends on whose eyes it is you’re looking through; your idea of what your property is worth, may well be very different to the one your lender, or indeed what the potential purchaser, is prepared to pay. Here.
You’ve had people view the property, you’ve done the checks and you’ve found the perfect tenant – what happens next? Well, the next thing is, you need to draw up a tenancy agreement for both you and your tenant to sign. And there are a few other things to do too. Here are 5 essential.