Whatever stage you’re at on the property ladder, a home owner looking to move, a first-home buyer or an investor, stamp duty (or transfer duty as it’s now known as in New South Wales), is a significant cost in the buying process; according to e61 Institute-PropTrack research, this tax is now costing property buyers up.
Landlords looking to cut costs may be thinking they can save on management fees by managing the property themselves. However, once they understand what a property manager actually does, the perceived cost saving in property management fees becomes a false economy, particularly as property management fees are a tax deductible expense. Let’s take a basic.
With interest rates remaining steady, and you’re thinking about refinancing to buy an investment property, ideally you get pre-approved for a mortgage before you start looking. This will give you a better idea of how much you can afford to spend and will make the property buying process go more smoothly. But with all the.
According to Corelogic’s recent report the medium weekly rental value for Newcastle and Lake Macquarie $611 is and Hunter Valley (excl. Newcastle) $564. From a financial perspective, now really is a great time to refresh your rental property so you get top dollar. While the budget doesn’t always allow for a massive renovations, sometimes it’s.
There are a lot of property investment myths out there, and with nearly 50 years in the business, we’ve seen a few! Here we take a look at some four property investment misperceptions. #Myth 1: Only rich people can invest in property Having cash is helpful when purchasing an investment property but the vast majority.
Every business comes with essential admin and paperwork, and property investment is no different. Paperwork associated with property management comes in different forms. For instance, legal and compliance paperwork includes: Lease agreement Condition reports Inspection reports Safety and compliance such as pool fencing and smoke alarms Then there’s the financial paperwork. This includes the financials.
After a year of rising interest rates, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) lending statistics show investors are slowly returning to Australia’s housing market. The value of total new investor loan commitments rose 1.9 % in November and was 18.0 % higher compared to a year ago. Mish Tan, ABS head of finance statistics.
Knowing how property investment works is essential, but knowing what to avoid is also key to success. Whether you’re new to property, or a seasoned investor, here are some common mistakes to avoid. Not doing research or due diligence Property does offer some great investment and wealth creation opportunities – but only if you’ve done.