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7 Tip for Buying in Strata

Buying into Strata from an investors point of view Buying into Strata can be attractive to investors. Strata properties are often cheaper than houses, and rental returns can be higher. However, Strata titled properties have shared walls, floors, ceilings, gardens and other common areas. These are considered shared ownership through a legal entity called the.

Gearing? What is it?

There’s been a lot in the news recently about negative gearing, and concerns have been raised over proposed changes to the legislation. But if you’re new to investing, you may be wondering what exactly gearing is? Gearing is the term given to borrowing money to invest – whether it’s in property or for other investment.

Old vs. New

Why old is gold and young is bold! A question we often get asked by both prospective home owners and property investors alike is whether to buy an old or new house. We can’t actually answer that question for you! Do you want something warm, welcoming and filled with character, or sleek and functional in.