What’s your goal? Fame? Travel? Write a best seller? Financial freedom? Having goals give us something to aim for in life. Think of the analogy of someone being given a bow and arrow, and being told to shoot the arrow….. quite possibly the first question will be, at what or where is the target? If.
Garden gnomes, tacky chandeliers, tasteless wallpaper or a wild garden? What are the biggest property turnoffs for potential buyers when looking round a property? A nationwide survey* carried out by financial comparison site Mozo discovered it wasn’t necessarily the décor which turned off potential buyers. No parking, mould and lack of natural light were actually.
With its music festivals, supercars, and great food, wine and scenic experiences Newcastle is now on the tourist radar as a hotspot of exciting events and great activities. Some property investors might be tempted to forget about long-term rentals and go for a short-term holiday let via some of the online booking services. However, there.
The year has started on a good note! A survey of almost 2100 people, commissioned by comparison site Canstar, found 5 per cent of Australians expect prices to skyrocket, with an additional 33 per cent expecting steady growth. A quarter of those surveyed predict prices will remain stable. And it’s not hard to see why..
‘Tis the season to be….. spending money and don’t the retailers just know it. Every shop, both online and in the street is promising you a good Christmas – at a price. But Christmas needn’t be filled with expensive excesses – it can be used as a great opportunity to start saving for your investment.
With the banking royal commission, Labor’s negative gearing plans and financial experts predicting a softening market, if you believe what’s in the media, you’d never invest in property; it’s all bad news. However, we’ve been in the business for over 40 years, so we are proof investing in bricks and mortar works in spite of.
Whichever way you look at it, unless you are exceedingly lucky, property is a long-term investment, and there are three main types of investment strategies property investors use: capital growth, cash flow, and compound growth. Some people use one strategy, and others use a mixture in their property portfolios. Here are the pros and cons.
Like the best-selling book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, you want your property to be the most popular property of its type on the market and you want to give your tenants reasons to stay. Attracting and keeping tenants isn’t that hard. Here are 7 ways in which you can win potential tenants.