Do you know the difference between your indirect, consequential and actual total losses? Insurance it seems has a language all of its own – and that’s before you’ve looked at the small print! Like every industry, property insurance has its own jargon, so to help enlighten you, we’ve pulled out a few common words and.
Vacancy is the one thing every landlord wants to avoid. An empty property means no income. And no income means paying for running costs, mortgage, council rates and other expenses out of your own pocket. For over 45 years property owners have trusted us to manage their properties, and we pride ourselves on consistently low.
*First Home Buyers can get up to $70,000 in savings *Subsequent Home Owners can get $25,000 The State and Federal Governments are handing out money and savings to Home Buyers in 5 Different Funded Schemes Home Builder Home Builder provides eligible first and subsequent owner occupiers with a grant of $25,000 to build a.
When it comes to investing in property, never selling has tended to be the rule of thumb, with investors leveraging off an existing property to buy their second or third investment property. And this is something investors should bear in mind when considering future financial options. Let’s look at what’s been happening over the past.
In our 40 years of business, this has probably been our most challenging time, and Covid-19 certainly threw up some challenges we could never have anticipated; changes to the way we worked and operated, combined with emergency legislation saw our suddenly newly home-based team take problem solving to a new level. Property management is arguable.
With lockdown restrictions relaxing, so too are some of the interim measures introduced to help those who were affected financially by the lockdown. As of 14 June, the 60 day stop on evictions for rent arrears, where the household is in financial hardship due to COVID-19 ended. This means a landlord may give a termination.
While we haven’t got a crystal ball, and who can predict what the market will do, here are some thoughts from our Director Craig Andriessen J.P. on post-COVID property trends: Lifestyle choices While many people were unable to work throughout the lockdown, there were quite a few businesses which leant themselves to working from home,.
It goes without saying, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many people’s incomes. To help tenants who are financially affected, the NSW Government introduced a 60 day stop on landlords seeking to evict tenants due to rental arrears as a result of COVID-19, and longer 6-month restrictions on evictions. In recognition of this, on 16 May.