We manage properties within the shaded area below, scroll down for a full list of the suburbs we look after and if you have a property outside this area, don’t worry – we may be able to suggest a Property Manager for you!

Request further information from us regarding our services now and should you decide to appoint Newcastle Property Management, we will give you 25% discount for the first 12 months off our management fee, when you choose our Comprehensive Management Package.
(Available to New Clients Only)
List of Suburbs
- Adamstown
- Adamstown Heights
- Acadia Vale
- Argenton
- Ashtonfield
- Awaba
- Balmoral
- Bar Beach
- Barnsley
- Belmont
- Belmont North
- Belmont South
- Beresfield
- Birmingham Gardens
- Blackalls Park
- Black Hill
- Blacksmiths
- Bolton Point
- Boolaroo
- Booragul
- Broadmeadow
- Buttaba
- Cameron Park
- Cams Wharf
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Heights
- Cardiff South
- Caves Beach
- Charlestown
- Croudace Bay
- Dudley
- East Maitland
- Edgeworth
- Eleebana
- Elermore Vale
- Fassifern
- Fennell Bay
- Fern Bay
- Floraville
- Garden Suburb
- Gateshead
- Georgetown
- Glendale
- Greenhills
- Hamilton
- Hamilton East
- Hamilton South
- Hamilton North
- Hexham
- Highfields
- Hillsborough
- Holmesville
- Islington
- Jesmond
- Jewells
- Kahibah
- Kilaben Bay
- Killingworth
- Kotara
- Kotara South
- Lakelands
- Lambton
- Macquarie Hills
- Marks Point
- Marmong Point
- Maryland
- Maryville
- Mayfield
- Mayfield East
- Mayfield North
- Mayfield West
- Merewether
- Merewether Heights
- Minmi
- Morisset
- Mount Hutton
- Myuna Bay
- Newcastle
- Newcastle East
- Newcastle West
- New Lambton
- New Lambton Heights
- North Lambton
- Pelican
- Rankin Park
- Rathmines
- Redhead
- Seahampton
- Shortland
- Speers Point
- Stockton
- Swansea
- Swansea Heads
- Tarro
- The Hill
- The Junction
- Thornton
- Tighes Hill
- Tingira Heights
- Toronto
- Valentine
- Wallsend
- Wangi Wangi
- Warabrook
- Waratah
- Waratah West
- Warners Bay
- West Wallsend
- Whitebridge
- Wickham
- Windale
- Woodberry
- Woodrising