We want to make the application process as easy as possible for prospective new tenants when applying for a rental property, yet still gather as much information as possible.
We do this by allowing tenants to apply online, using their computer, tablet or smart phone via 1forms.com.au
Once you have viewed a property, you are given a brochure on your property that also gives you the code to submit for your 1form application, where you can load in all your information as well as attaching the documentation we require. You can even use the camera on your phone to photograph this information and attach. With the tap of the finger all your information is instantly forwarded to us. No longer do you have to drive to our office and hand over forms.
For those who are not computer savvy we still do have paper application forms, after all we want to make the process as easy as possible for all.
Once we have your application, we do background checks (rentals references, employment references, personal references, we also check them on Tenancies Information Centre of Australia (TICA) database) to qualify all prospective tenant(s) who apply for the property. We then present all this information to the owner who makes the final decision.