How to resolve tenant issues

How to resolve tenant issues

No matter how much effort you put in to be a great landlord, at some point, your tenant will contact you with something which isn’t right, or has gone wrong.

Tenant disputes and complaints will inevitably arise; from maintenance problems to pest invasions, the majority of issues a tenant contacts you with will be for a genuine reason, and it is definitely within your interests to manage the issue. This isn’t just from a practical point of view in keeping your property maintained, but also from a relationship point of view, you want your tenant to be happy keep paying the rent and take care of the property as if it was their own.

Here are some tips to help you manage tenant complaints and disputes smoothly:

Have a good tenancy agreement

One of the best ways to negate disputes, is to try and stop them happening in the first place.

A good tenancy agreement lays out from the start what both parties are responsible for, what you can expect from the tenant, and what the tenant can expect from you. It should clearly set out when rent is due, and any extra conditions, such as whether pets are allowed or not.

Both you and our tenant are legally bound by this agreement. For more information about responsibilities in a tenancy, visit the NSW Office of Fair Trading website.

Keep on top of maintenance

As a landlord, you are responsible for repairing and maintaining the property so that it is in a reasonable state of repair. If the property is generally well cared for and you’re on top of your maintenance, it stands to reason, your tenant will be less likely to get in touch with maintenance issues.

Regular inspections are essential, as they often reveal minor maintenance and repair issues before they become a major problem. For instance, a tenant may not think a ‘bit of a leak’ is too much of an issue, and may not flag it up. But this ‘bit of a leak’ can escalate into something else.

The other important part of keeping on top of maintenance is that it does enhance your relationship with your tenant. They can see you are actively caring for the property and are more likely follow your example when it comes to its upkeep.

Actively encourage communications

Ensure your tenant knows how to contact you, (or your agent) with any issues. All contact should be responded to appropriately, and as promptly as possible. Many problems can be resolved with proper communication and fair discussion on both sides.

As well as having phone numbers, our tenant portal is proving to be a great asset. For instance, it’s not always convenient for a tenant to contact us in their working day, but through our portal, tenants can get in touch with issues at any time of day or night, and we can respond to them accordingly.

In our experience, because a tenant knows we respond to their requests in a timely way, the matter can be dealt with and is prevented from escalating – one of the best skills a landlord can have is actively paying attention to their tenant’s concerns and respect whatever issue they may be experiencing.

Be professional

Your investment property is your business, and all matters relating to it should be handled professionally and appropriately. Being considerate and understanding will increase your chances of resolving the problem successfully.

Complaints about home repair issues or pest problems, should be dealt with in a timely way; keep your tenant updated on developments and give them a timeline of when a tradie will be round to rectify the issue. Don’t keep your tenant wondering; they will be far more sympathetic to you if they know the tradie will be round within the week

Seek help from a professional mediator

If a problem cannot be resolved, a professional mediator may be able to assist. Because this trained professional is independent and has not got a vested interest, they can determine how the complaint can be settled in the best interest of both you and your tenant.

Generally, you, your tenant and the mediator will sit down together to discuss concerns, with each person given a chance to speak openly.

The mediator will suggest actions to take, and if both parties agree to the actions, it will be it put in writing. Mediation is an excellent option if you want to have an effective yet informal dispute resolution without having to go to court.

Use an agent

An agent is a professional and puts distance between you and your tenant. Managing property is our business and we set ourselves high standards. We are on call 24 hours a day, and work with a team of tradies, so we can swiftly manage unexpected maintenance and repair issues, like a broken boiler. We know property law, and ensure your property adheres to the latest regulations, but most importantly, we know how to manage tenants.

If you want to know more about our property management services or investing in property, get in touch. Our motto is very simple – we treat every property as if it’s one of our own.

We’ve helped thousands of people realise their dreams through property and our aim is to make your life easier, so you can do the things you want to do. Simply give us a ring on 02 4956 9777, send us an email to or pop into our Cardiff office for a chat.

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