5 reasons why property is still a good investment in 2018

5 reasons why property is still a good investment in 2018

What are your financial aims? Do you want to retire early with overseas trips, or are you looking to save for children’s education?

Make 2018 the year to really start working towards the financial goals and lifestyle you want, and use investing in property to help you get there.

Property is an investment that has stood the test of time – after all, everyone needs somewhere to live. We’ve been in business for over 40 years now, so we truly believe bricks and mortar are a good investment.

Here are five other reasons why we consider investing in property to be good strategy to help you reach your financial goals:

  1. Australia property market ranked as stable

A new global survey has found Australia is still considered one of the most stable countries in the world to invest in property. The Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE) ranked Australia as the fifth most stable country for real estate investment, coming in behind America, Germany, Canada and Britain.

  1. Newcastle offers good rental yield and steady capital growth

The CBD has been revitalised to attract more businesses and there are plenty of tourism, construction and manufacturing opportunities too. With the area offering a vibrant city, urban suburbs, seaside and rural residences, it caters for just about every lifestyle choice.

Quite simply, Newcastle is now on the map as a desirable place to live and work, and this is reflected in the property market; over the past few years, we’ve generally seen excellent rental yields and steady capital growth.

  1. You’re in control

Unlike other investment options, property investment is asset-based and isn’t affected as much by fickle economic market forces or overseas financial crashes.

  1. Different wealth creation opportunities

As well as earning an income, property offers other wealth creation opportunities such as by renovating to increase capital growth, or borrowing against to build your portfolio.

  1. Interest rates are still low

Interest rates are still at a record low, and although there are varying opinions, they are generally predicted to remain relatively low for at least for the coming year. Speak to a financial specialist who can explain how rates could affect your budget. The plus side is, mortgage interest rates are currently tax deductible.

Want to know some more reasons why you should include property in your investment strategies? Get in touch! We’ve helped hundreds of people realise their financial dreams through property investment and we’d love to help you too.

Either drop into the Cardiff office or call 02 4956 9777 and our experienced and knowledgeable team will answer your queries.

For more investor and property management tips check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NewcastlePropertyManagement

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